Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tom's Trivia

Our RVPGM (Regional Vice President, General Manager of the Central Region) Tom sends out a daily recap of yesterday's business. Included in which is a trivia question that he asks, the first one to get it right, wins nothing but personal satisfaction. Here was today's question that I got right, leave a comment if you know the answer. If the comments there already have the answer, leave a comment telling me you knew the answer.

Q. What show that ran from 1988-1993 had characters with the following name. Norma, Gwendolyne, Wayne, Jack, Paul, Kevin, Becky?

Do you know do you know do you know?


Jon said...


Allison said...

I KNEW THE ANSWER!!! But the word verification wouldn't come up for me. Dangit.