Monday, December 17, 2007

The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

So after a very short 4 hour shift at the Gap, Amanda and I headed home for a quick bite. We then headed out in search of the Christmas Tree for the Christmas Play... okay, just for our living room. After Linus and Lucy rocked it out, we ended up with....

So we began with the lights.. of the four strands we put on our tree two years ago (last year, our stuff was in a moving van on Christmas Day) we only used two. All five feet of this tree is surrounded by my Christmas Train. Aww, look at me smile.

Amanda and I put the final touches on the tree, that last ornament she put on there made it topple over, so we had to take it off. Kidding really. We also have our Santa and Frosty lights around the window.


Anonymous said...

Who is that slender man standing next to your first "married tree"? I think the tree is really cute, and I think you look GREAT!! Don't snivle about 18 #, it's awesome! If the tree wasn't so short, Amanda couldn't put in the tree-topper without a ladder!

We miss you!!!!!
Aunt Barb

Anonymous said...

very nice and cozy!! love the train!!! , Re

Allison said...

That tree is teeny! Teenier than ours, which is saying a lot. Yours is much fatter than our skinny little thing though. Love the train!

Anonymous said...

Jon,Your tree is just like you !!!!! ADORABLE XXOO Mum